Costa Rica 2021

This is FOJ’s church plant for people from the streets. This church is in the middle of the city center and offers them a safe and informal setting needed to attract people with low self-worth and/or have been harmed by church goers. Most important it provides an avenue for people we meet during our Encuentro Ministry (see below) to experience God’s presence through worship, hearing God’s word and being ministered to through prayer, food and fellowship after each service.
This is FOJ’s Street Ministry serving coffee and cookies to prostituted people. This Mission spent 4 nights on the streets with these men and woman. Our team grew so much in this time, and we had the honor to see how God saw these men and women that were prostituting themselves. Many on our team said this was so challenging yet so rewarding. Its all about the fathers heart!
casa esperanza
This is FOJ’s most recent endeavor. The Home of Hope is in the Red Zone of downtown San Jose. It provides a community center for the country’s most desperate and broken sex workers who come for the programs they offer there. We spent 3 mornings in the Red Zone. We saw major breakthrough in these women that are prostituting them selves in the Red Zone. We saw many women step out in faith and make decisions in Christ!
casa libertad
Casa Libertad is their safe house for teenage girls who have been commercially sexually exploited or have been victims of human trafficking. This Mission spent hours and hours in this house. The girls love music and art and dance. We got to love on these girls and they bonded with our team in a special way!